Tampa Catholic High School

Providence Catholic School students work hard in the classroom, and they are also encouraged to actively participate in extra-curricular activities on campus and to become active members of the community. Each girl can explore interests or express creativity from a wide selection of clubs and organizations which will challenge her to broaden her horizons.

No matter what setting Providence Catholic School students are in, they are ambassadors of the school. They have respect for themselves, their classmates, their teachers, and their families. Students strive to utilize their time at Providence Catholic School to prepare themselves for the next stage in their lives. The Providence Catholic School student is well-prepared to handle the many challenges that may come her way.

  • Ambassadors – Middle School & High School

    Providence Catholic School Ambassadors is a group of young women that serve as the school’s spokeswomen.  The ambassadors embody the qualities of leadership, excellence, integrity, and faith and reflect them as representatives of Providence Catholic School within our school family, as a part of the Catholic Schools and to the community at large.  Ambassadors participate in various activities as greeters, tour guides, hostesses, and public speakers.  There are monthly meetings for the ambassadors to attend after school and many of the events for ambassadors are during non-school hours and on weekends. 

    Students must apply for the ambassador program, write an essay, and get teacher recommendations to be reviewed by a committee. The committee reviews the application packets and notifies students of their selection into the ambassadors program via a letter.

  • Ecology Club (High School)

    The Ecology Club of Providence Catholic School provides firsthand experience of the natural world, teaches self-reliance, and builds self-confidence through outdoor learning activities. In accordance with the Providence Core Values and Beliefs, the Ecology Club encourages the development of leadership potential in all students, engages members in constant learning, and informs members of the needs for conservation of God’s creation.

    The Ecology Club will provide high school students at PCS with outdoor educational experiences and skills. Camping, hiking, backpacking, and orienteering skills will be learned and practiced in both a school and outdoor setting. Armed with these experiences, students will be equipped to “do their part to make the world a better place".

  • Evolutions Dance Team (Middle School)

  • Fitness Council

    Fitness Council strives to encourage health and fitness behaviors in order to promote healthy lifestyles for the entire Providence community. This group is connected with the city of San Antonio: Mayor’s Fitness Council and SA2020 to address the needs of the city and involve schools in the promotion of health and fitness. Fitness Council provides opportunities for all Providence community members to get active and healthy.

  • French Club

    The French Club works to promote French language and culture by planning activities, games, and presentations on such topics as food, history, fashion, films, current events, and sports and leisure.  Students do not have to take French to be a member; they simply must be curious francophiles.

  • JROTC-CCHS (High School)

    More information to come. Please check back often.

  • Global Justice - High School

    More information to come.

  • Theater (High School & Middle School)

    The Drama Club gives students who are interested in the performing arts an avenue in which to express themselves artistically, and learn more about the field. Standing Ovation Drama Club also supports the school performances by being onstage, working backstage and working fundraisers to produce the school’s performances.  The more hands on experience a student receives the richer her educational experience will be and therefore the more successful her years here at Providence and after.

  • Liturgical Choir - High School & Middle School

    The Liturgical Choir is a musical group that contributes to the spiritual development of Providence Catholic School by leading the community in prayer through song at the many liturgies of the school year.  In the Liturgical Choir, a student shares her musical talents, a gift generously offered to make liturgy and prayer meaningful.  Students are invited to share their musical expertise in a variety of ways:  singing, playing an instrument (guitar, piano, flute, violin, cello), being a cantor.  The work of the Liturgical Choir is a work of service to others, and any student enrolled at Providence is warmly welcomed to contribute to its efforts.

  • Math & Science Club - Middle School

    The purpose of the Math & Science Club is to encourage scholastic effort and to foster literacy and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

  • Moye Prayer Group - High School & Middle School

  • Mu Alpha Theta (High School)

    Mu Alpha Theta is the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society with over 124,000 student members in more than 2633 schools.  We are dedicated to inspiring keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics. Besides academic scholarship in math, members have the responsibility to demonstrate character, leadership, service, and PCS’s core values and beliefs.   Students must have completed 2 years of high school math including Algebra 1 and Geometry and are nominated by their math teacher based on their cumulative academic performance in math.

  • National Art Honors Society (High School)

    The purpose of the chapter is to inspire and recognize students who have shown outstanding ability in the arts. We hope to foster excellence and a dedicated spirit to the pursuit of art. Our goals are to further the creative abilities and talents of the Society’s members, as well as the school’s entire student art enrollment. We aim to aid members in working toward the attainment of their highest potential in all areas of art. We will bring art to the attention of the school and community and at the same time increase an awareness of the arts in relation to other areas of the school curriculum. We strive to bring aesthetic awareness in all aspects of Providence’s total program.

  • National Honor Society (High School)

    The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921.

  • NJAHS (MS Art) (Middle School)

    Middle School Art Club will be an outlet for creative minded students who wish to use their artistic talent for school and community. They will assist in decorations for the middle school dance, creation of props, and they will have opportunities to create an art community of their own.

  • National Junior Honor Society (Middle School)

    National Junior Honor Society’s purpose is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage good citizenship in Providence’s eighth grade students.  This organization’s membership is determined by a panel of faculty members who look at each qualifying student’s scholarship, service, leadership, character and citizenship.  The students who exhibit all of these qualities are admitted to the organization and help lead numerous activities around campus that continue to help the members grow in scholarship, service, leadership, character and citizenship.  This organization helps to prepare students for the sister organization, National Honor Society, they may be accepted to in high school.

  • Page Turners (High School & Middle School)

    The purpose of Page Turners is to promote reading and create lifelong learners. The goal of this club is to encourage students to think critically while enjoying a great book. This club fosters a community of students that can come together to share their own unique perspective on various topics.

  • Progressions Dance Troupe (High School)

    Progressions Dance Troupe is a performance based group in its fourth year of residence.  The girls perform at different events such as halftime shows, Fiesta Flambeau and semester recitals.  They travel each year to study at the Pulse Dance Convention under world famous choreographers and compete annually in Showmakers Competition in San Antonio. They specialize in ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop and various Latin styles. Entry into Progressions is through auditions held each April.

  • Provet TV News Team - High School

    Provet TV is a news outlet for the Providence Student Broadcast Network (PSBN). Well, really it is a group of talented students from two separate classes, Broadcast Journalism & Video Technology, that broadcast a live television show, comprised of daily announcements, every morning into each classroom on campus as well as editing a copy for the posting to the world wide web.

    We know what you're thinking and you're right. Parents and students can stay abreast of school news while at the office or at home. Provet TV is available via the Internet at Provet TV Channel. They solicit feedback from their viewers and also run weekly contests for the student body. It's a great way to become interactive on the web.

    Auditions are usually held in February, before the unpcoming school year.

  • Publications - Yearbook, Provue, Plaid Skirt

    Journalism and Advance Journalism classes produce the student newspaper/newsletter and the annual literary and arts magazine. The students incorporate all types and elements of journalistic writing including research, writing and delivering the news, conducting interviews, and incorporating creative elements for layouts to produce four issues per year of the PROVUE and the annual magazine, THE PLAID SKIRT.

    The Providence PROVUE is a source of information, entertainment, and engaging exploration of issues relevant to the student body, and should be a forum linking the students, the school, and the community. The PLAID SKIRT provides creative and talented students a forum to see their work artistically published.

  • Robotics Team (High School)

    The Providence Robotics club will begin the process with learning to code and programming.  Once we build those skills, we will begin to learn to program Sphero Robots for in house racing robots as we will learn to program them through a maze or competing in “battle bot”  competitions.

  • Rotary Interact

    The purpose of Interact is to provide opportunity for young people to work together in a world of fellowship dedicated to community service. Interact clubs are self-governing and self-supporting and can be school or community based and work to provide lasting impact on society with service projects.

  • String Ensemble

    The purpose of the Strings Club is to give students who already own and play a violin, viola or cello, a place to come together and share knowledge, music-making and technique with one another.  We may play for a school liturgy or before school as students are arriving during the last week of the semester.

  • Student Council: High School

    The mission of the High School Student Council (HS STUCO) is to promote the welfare of the school, to represent the student body in any phase of school life, to improve student pride and spirit within the school, to actively involve the entire student body in projects and events, and to provide good role models.

  • Student Council: Middle School

    The Middle School Student Council of Providence Catholic School brings about closer cooperation between the faculty and the student body as representatives of the student body; while promoting in each individual, a desire for good citizenship based on democratic processes; creating and maintaining school interest, school spirit, and loyalty, as well as promoting the core values of excellence, faith, integrity and justice.

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