Provet TV is a news outlet for the Providence Student Broadcast Network (PSBN). Well, really it is a group of talented students from two separate classes, Broadcast Journalism & Video Technology, that broadcast a live television show, comprised of daily announcements, every morning into each classroom on campus as well as editing a copy for the posting to the world wide web.
We know what you're thinking and you're right. Parents and students can stay abreast of school news while at the office or at home. Provet TV is available via the Internet at Provet TV Channel. They solicit feedback from their viewers and also run weekly contests for the student body. It's a great way to become interactive on the web.
This class broadcasts approximately 160 live news shows per school year. Along with those amazing numbers they will produce several special projects such as mini movies, commercials, and video contest entries.
This group of outstanding ladies, with their video cameras and microphones in hand, will be the eyes and ears of the school documenting everything that takes place on campus.
Our show is seen by hundreds on campus and thousands across the Internet. Provet TV offers inexpensive advertising packages tailored for your business. If you wish to be contacted, with more information, fill out our request form
Phone: 210.224.6651