Tampa Catholic High School
  • A woman is standing next to a young girl wearing a medal.

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  • Three women wearing pink shirts are running in a park.

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2025 - The 17th Annual Providence 5K (date to be determined)

You can help spread the word by sharing our page on Facebook - Facebook.com/Providence5K. All proceeds benefit Providence Catholic School.

The race starts and ends on our Providence campus. This course will take you through the beautiful Museum Reach of the San Antonio Riverwalk towards Brackenridge Golf Course before returning you to campus. Registrants will have an in-person OR virtual option to participate.

See past year's results and sponsors.

Contact Race Director, Elise Denoux, Vice Principal/Athletic Director at 210-224-6651 x212 for more opportunities.

Hotworx South Broadway Fitness Studio


Friends of Providence

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